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TRANSCRIPT: Five Minute Fix Bite-sized Guided Meditations with Stacey Paige - Episode #18: Embracing progress over perfection

Imperfect action. Messy action. Progress over perfection. When you have a dream in your heart, a desire that is continually nudging you, the Universe has rolled out before you the path to bring those dreams and desires to manifestation. Perfectionism can be self-sabotaging. Do everything you know to do to prepare, and then take the step - even when you think it's messy or imperfect. Take the step that will lead you to the next step.. and the next.. and the next.. One inspired step at a time.

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“Hi, I'm Stacey Paige, welcome to the Five Minute Fix podcast, weekly meditations to soothe, heal, and inspire.

Imperfect action, messy action, progress, not perfection. These have become my mantra. I'm not suggesting that we show up unprepared, that we don't put our best foot forward.

If you've been with me for any length of time, you know I always talk about inspired action, not just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks, but tuning into that nudge that is prompting you to some action to move you forward on the path to what you want to create or continue to create in your life. By suppressing the urge, not taking the action because you want for it to be perfect is a form of self-sabotaging. It's staying in avoidance, staying stuck.

We want to take an action, not squish the urge. This meditation supports us in just that, inspired action, which can be messy action, imperfect action. But it's the action that brings you to the next and the next and the next as the life you're designing unfolds.

I invite you to join me.

Find a comfortable seated position. Gently close your eyes, and bring “your attention to your breath.

Observe how your breath lifts and expands your body each time you inhale.

Notice how your body softens back down each time you exhale.

Now, guide your breath into your face and your skull.

Exhale, relax your eyes, your jaw, your tongue.

Guide your breath into your chest and upper back.

Exhale, soften, feel your shoulders melt down.

Guide your breath into your tummy and lower back.

Exhale, relaxing your belly, your internal organs.

Inhale your breath all the way down to your legs, and your feet.

Exhale, completely emptying your lungs.

Now bring to mind something you've been wanting to do, have felt an urge to do. It could be a project, a conversation, a practice, or anything else. The thoughts that come across your mind but have held back on taking action, maybe from fear or doubt, or maybe just not knowing where to begin.

“Now imagine yourself standing at the edge of a pathway. This path represents your journey.

As you look ahead down the path, notice that it isn't perfectly paved. Maybe there are bumps, hills, rocks, holes, maybe a few other obstacles.

Allow your inner self, your authentic self, that part of you that is limitless to come forward.

As you're standing at the edge of the path, what do you feel? Excitement? Nervousness?

Breathe in to these feelings. Embrace them, and know that what you desire, the universe is conspiring on your behalf to bring those desires to manifestation, and is laying out the path before you.

Now imagine taking a step onto this path. With this step, embrace the idea of imperfect action, of progress over perfection.

Now picture yourself continuing down this path. Each step becoming a bit easier. Each movement filling you with a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

Maybe you wobble a bit. Maybe you dance a bit.

“With every step, you are learning and growing, becoming more confident and resilient.

Now pause, turn around and look back in the direction to where you started. There are many different steps you could have taken and many ways you could have taken them to arrive at this same place.

Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs with confidence and courage. As you exhale, let go of any remaining doubts or fears. Know that as long as you stay on the path, letting your inner self guide you into inspired action, success has to happen.

Begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and your toes, and gently open your eyes. Remember, you have right now everything you need to be, do, and have what you desire.

Embrace imperfect action, messy action, and trust that you are moving in the right direction, taking one inspired step at a time. For more support in designing your life, go to and check out Foundations, 21 Days of Guided Practices, Meditations, Lessons, and Experiential Exercises for Clarity, Confidence, and Self-Knowingness. Namaste, everyone.”

From Five Minute Fix: Meditation with Stacey Paige: #018: Embracing progress over perfection, Jul 12, 2024

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