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Beyond the Surface: Manifesting from Your Core

Writer: Stacey PaigeStacey Paige

This week, I had the incredible honor of being one of the keynote speakers at an international women’s empowerment summit.

As I sat at my desk, waiting for my turn to step onto the virtual stage, my opening song began to play.

Suddenly, a wave of emotion washed over me. My throat tightened, my eyes welled up, and for a brief moment, I was overwhelmed - not by nerves, but by something much deeper.

It wasn’t just about speaking at this event.

It wasn’t about recognition or achievement.

It was the realization that this moment, this experience, was something my soul had been calling me toward for years.

This wasn’t just a milestone I had reached; it was a manifestation of something I deeply desired - something that had been living in me long before it became real.

And that’s why it felt so powerful.

Later, I reflected on how different this felt from other things I’ve worked toward in the past.

What Do You Really Want to Manifest?

So often, we chase after things because we think we should. We go after the promotion, the degree, the picture-perfect relationship, the next big milestone - believing that once we achieve it, we’ll feel fulfilled.

But have you ever reached a moment you thought would make you happy, only to feel… underwhelmed? Maybe even empty?

That’s because not everything we go after is truly ours to chase.

Some desires are shaped by what society has told us we should want.

Others come from our ego, craving validation and approval.

And a lot of the time, we're just running on autopilot, following old programming that tells us what success should look like.

But here’s the thing: fulfillment doesn't come from finally reaching some imaginary finishing line.

It comes from pursuing things that actually set your soul on fire.

The Difference Between Surface-Level Wants and Soul-Level Desires

There’s a big difference between what we think we want and what our soul is truly calling us toward.

Think about it - do you want to manifest a certain job because it genuinely excites and inspires you? Or because it sounds impressive?

Do you want a particular relationship because it feels deeply aligned, or because you don’t want to be alone?

Do you want to experience more freedom in your life, or are you chasing busyness because that’s what you’ve always known?

When we create from a place of external influence, we often feel disconnected when we arrive at what we thought we wanted.

But when we tune into what we truly desire - the kind of experiences, emotions, and energy we want to bring into our lives - everything shifts.

How to Know If You’re Manifesting from Your Soul

If you’re wondering whether what you’re working toward is truly aligned with you, start by asking yourself:

• Why do I want this? Is this something that comes from deep within me, or is it something I’ve been told I should want?

• How does it feel when I think about it? Does it excite me? Energize me? Or does it feel heavy and forced?

• Who am I becoming in the process? Does this path help me grow in a way that feels expansive, or does it feel like I’m chasing something that isn’t really mine?

• If no one else knew about this, would I still want it? Would I still pursue this dream if there were no applause, no validation, no external reward - just the experience itself?

A Final Thought

Sitting in front of my screen, stepping onto that virtual stage, I didn’t feel external validation - I felt something so much bigger and better. I felt like I was exactly where I was meant to be. And that’s the feeling I want more of in my life. I want to manifest experiences that light me up from the inside, not just ones that look good on the outside.

So, I invite you to pause for a moment and ask yourself: What do I truly want to create in my life? What do I want to experience? If the answer doesn’t come right away, that’s okay. Your soul already knows - you just have to listen.

If you’re ready to go beyond surface-level desires and tap into what you truly want to manifest, I invite you to listen to my guided meditation, Beyond the Surface: Manifesting from Your Core. It will help you reconnect with your deepest truth and align with the life that’s meant for you. You can find it [insert link here].


Five Minute Fix Guided Meditation #53: Beyond the Surface: Manifesting from Your Core

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